
No Freshmen on Leiter Cup Teams

The "Muzzy's Pets" won from the "Busy Berthas" by default, and the "Peoria Giants" defeated "The Hopefuls" by the score of 25 to 1, in the continuation of the Leiter Cup Series on Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon. The "Waumsbuggins" will meet the "Alfalfas" on the diamond behind third base of the University diamond on Soldiers Field, this afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Beginning with today, no Freshman will be allowed to play on any of the Leiter Cup teams. This regulation necessitates the disbanding of the "Les Miserables" team, and the elimination of all Freshmen members of tha other Leiter Cup teams. Teams with vacancies should be recruited from the three upper classes. This ruling is put into effect in order to insure the successful progress of the interdormitory baseball series which will begin next Tuesday.
