

First Matches at Jarvis Field at 2.15 o'clock.--Two Cups will be Given Winners.

The preliminary round of the tournament for the University Championship in Singles will be played at Jarvis Field this afternoon. Cups will be awarded the winner and runner-up in the tournament. Contestants must report at the times scheduled below, or forfeit their matches, and no leeway whatsoever will be allowed. Courts will be supplied to all entrants free of charge, but players are expected to furnish their own tennis balls. Contestants should report to the manager at Jarvis Field, who will assign courts. The winner of each match must see that his score is posted on the tournament chart. Today's schedule of matches is as follows: At 2.15--J. E. Simon '18 vs. P. Townsend '18; W. W. Rice '18 vs. T. R. Allen '18; H. R. Guild '17 vs. A. G. Aldis '17; J. M. Gazzam '17 vs. E. F. Smiley '17; T. B. Scott '18 vs. E. M. Ellsworth '17; W. Campbell '16 vs. W. Sturgis, Jr., '17; W. R. Kennedy uC. vs. W. C. Peebles '17; W. M. McKim '16 vs. D. Moffat '16; H. Wentworth '17 vs. R. S. Richards '16. At 2.45--L. E. Bullard '17 vs. D. K. Dunmore '18; L. P. Mansfield '16 vs. H. Morgan '17; D. Duncan '18 vs. P. R. Ladd uC. At 3.45--H. L. M. Cole '16 vs. G. W. B. Hartwell '17; A. S. Peabody '16 vs. J. C. McMullin '17; E. A. LeRoy '16 vs. S. B. McKinley '16; A. A. Cameron '17 vs. C. N. Stone uC.; Winner of Simon and Townsend vs. Winner of Rice and Allen; Winner of Gazzam and Smiley vs. Winner of Scott and Ellsworth; Winner of Scott and Ellsworth; Winner of Campbell and Sturgis vs. Winner of Kennedy and Peebles; Winner of McKim and Moffat vs. Winner of Wentworth and Richards. At 4.15--Winner of Bullard and Dunmore vs. Winner of Mansfield and Morgan. At 4.45--L. N. Schwartz uC. vs. W. Edgar '16.

Second Team and Freshman Trials.

Trial matches for the second and Freshman teams will continue on Jarvis Field this afternoon. For the second team a match between L. E. Bullard '17 and L. E. Green '18 will be played at 3.45 o'clock. The Freshman trial matches will be as follows: At 1.15--P. E. Stevenson '19 vs. J. S. Baker '19. At 2.15--R. C. Rand '19 vs. L. K. Garrison '19; R. H. Kissel '19 vs. F. Ritchie '19; F. M. Warburg '19 vs. G. Towle '19; F. W. Hatch '19 vs. C. J. Coulter '19.
