
Regimental Announcements

Men will be sure to remove only the rifle assigned to them from the arm rack, and no other, and to return said rifle to the arm rack immediately after each formation.

Men who have not already signed for their rifle at Regimental Headquarters will do so without delay.

The following men will go to Wakefield this afternoon: A. G. Aldis '17, R. H. Allen '17, P. N. Bagley '19, J. H. Brown, R. B. Brown '18, E. A. Bruett 1G., W. B. Castle '18, R. Coggeshall '16, P. P. Cram 1G., R. S. Damon '18, R. L. Davis 1L., F. V. Domarest '19, W. Dexter '19, H. S. Hall '19, D. D. Harries 1L., R. S. Hewitt '18, W. W. Hoffman '19, H. G. Knight 2G., J. W. Lerew 1G.B., W. M. Marston 1L., J. W. Miller '16, J. H. Norweb uC., W. R. Osgood '17, G. H. Pendleton '19, J. J. Quinn 2G., F. E. Raymond '18, R. R. Rowe '16, L. S. Simons '18, E. M. Townsend '16, R. S. Tufts '18, W. M. White '17, N. Wiener '12, S. T. Williamson '17.

The Armory will be open between 11 M. and 1.15 P. M. so that men going to Wakefield can get their rifles. Every man will take his own rifle to the range.

Trains leave the North Station at 12.25 and 1.40 for Wakefield. At Wakefield take the trolley marked "Reading," but make sure that it goes to the range: not all cars so marked do. All men who can do so should plan to get the early train so that the shooting can begin at 1.30 sharp.


Uniforms will be worn. All men must if possible, have a pad in the right shoulder and pads in the elbows of the shirt, all inside. This is important as the lack of the shoulder pad may spoil a man's chances. Lunch can be bought at the Range.

The Freshman golf team defeated Watertown High School yesterday, 5 to 1.
