

Presentation of Colors and Exhibition Drills Feature of Memorial Day Ceremonies.

The Regiment will hold a review and exhibition drill in the Stadium on Tuesday, Memorial Day, at 10 o'clock. The ceremonies will include a presentation of colors by Mrs. Barrett Wendell, Jr., the colors given by ladies of Boston, money for which was raised under the lead of Mrs. Q. A. Shaw, Jr., and Mrs. C. F. Lyman; an exhibition drill by the Regiment in close and extended order; a motor-cycle squad drill; an exhibition by the medical corps of the Regiment, and a drill by the best company and battalion of the Regiment. Those who will review the ceremonies include Major-General Leonard Wood, M.D. '84, Governor McCall, Mayor Curley, representatives of the G. A. R., and several naval and militia officers stationed in the vicinity of Boston. Boy Scouts will act as ushers.

The Review will end at 12 o'clock, when the Regiment will march to escort the G. A. R. veterans to Sanders Theatre for the annual Memorial Day exercises. After this the Regiment will be dismissed for the rest of the summer. A feature of the exhibition will be the wearing by the entire Regiment of the new "H" belts for the first time.

A souvenir program, containing pictures of the Regiment and the order of events, will be sold at the Stadium, and copies of the large poster of the review may be purchased for 25 cents. Whatever profits are made will go to the Red Cross after expenses are met.

Tickets are on sale at Herrick's, the Harvard Club, Leavitt & Peirce's Wright & Ditson's Cambridge store, and the H. A. A., reserved seats at $1 and general admission 50 cents.
