
Yale Athletes Admitted to A.A.U.

The Yale University Athletic Association has been admitted to membership in the Metropolitan Association of the Amateur Athletic Union, and in future Yale athletes in all branches of sport will be able to compete in the championships of the Metropolitan association. At various times Yale's sub-athletic association have held membership in the association, but the institution has never been represented in the governing body of amateur sports in this district by its University Athletic Association.

Although Yale will have the right now to enter a track and field team in the local championships, a letter written by Captain Oler of the track team to a member of the New York A. C. indicates that this will not be done.

He stated that he would shortly transfer his registration from Yale to the New York A. C., so that he could compete in the club games on June 3. The wrestlers, swimmers and gymnasts, however, will probably be entered in various A. A. U. events.
