
Regimental Orders

Individuals will assemble in Persis Smith Hall for preliminary instruction in sighting drills for the rifle from 10 until 12 o'clock and from 1.30 until 3 o'clock, under the supervision of Sergeants Bryan and Gavigan, U.S.A.

Provisional companies will assemble on Soldiers Field for drill with arms from 3 until 5 o'clock, under the supervision of the Assistant Instructors and Company Officers.

Companies E and F will assemble in Persis Smith Hall for drill with arms at 7 o'clock, under the supervision of the Regimental Commander.

1. The Henshaw Motor Company of Boston will furnish 125 Dodge Brothers motor cars for the purpose of transporting the Harvard Regiment to Boston, where it will participate in the Preparedness Day Parade. These cars will be at Smith Halls at 12.30 P. M., Saturday, May 27. Upon reaching the point of dismissal, the Harvard Regiment will again take the Dodge cars, which will be there parked, and it will be speedily transported to Cambridge. This will permit the members of the Regiment to be back in, Cambridge in time for the Intercollegiate Track Meet.

2. All members of the Regiment are enjoined to report at the designated hour on Saturday, in order to participate in the Preparedness Day Parade. C. CORDIER,   Captain, U. S. Army, Commanding.
