
Lampy Passes Out This Afternoon

As a climax to a brilliant season, the management of the CRIMSON baseball team will stage a game with the Lampoon nine on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Tickets admitting to all innings may be obtained from the Lampoon management. Spectators are advised to bring umbrellas as rain-checks.

Journalistic courtesy forbids a forecast of the result of the contest, as any attempt would necessarily be insulting to the Lampoon. The facts of the encounter will speak for themselves, and for the CRIMSON. It is enough to say that the CRIMSON will furnish the refreshments and the Lampoon the amusement.

The news-gatherers' line-up is not quite decided. A few of the best of the ex-candidates, defeated earlier this season by the editors' team, will be given a chance to show their quality. Rhinelander will start the game as pill-propeller, and Bishop will gather up each curve as it is missed by the funny man who happens to be at bat.

The batting order of the Lampoon is inconsequential.
