Although elementary drill and the manual of arms are important in the turning out of a good soldier, the probability of his having to do some shooting ought not to be forgotten.
With the development of the Regiment, and the necessity of training the men in the sighting and firing of rifles, the need for a rifle range here in Cambridge has become urgent. The rifle team has always been forced to use a range in Boston; the Regiment has been permitted the use of the Wakefield range. Here, however, considerable difficulty has been encountered in making satisfactory arrangements for the practice, while, in addition, it has been almost impossible to secure a full attendance, or to give the men adequate training. A range located near at hand would solve these difficulties. Although a regulation range would doubtless be unfeasible here in Cambridge, a sub-calibre one of seventy-five or one hundred feet could easily be constructed, and would prove a most valuable asset in securing for the members of the Regiment that most necessary of all training practice in the use of firearms.
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