
"Maidstones" and "Craigies" Won First Leiter Cup Games

In the first of the Leiter Cup baseball series on Soldiers Field, yesterday afternoon, the "Maidstones" defeated the "Horsehide Hammerers" by the score of 9 to 0, while the "Craigies" won from "The Men from Egypt" by default.

The "Les Miserables" will meet the "Democrats" on the diamond south of the University diamond on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

The rest of the first round of the schedule is as follows: Tomorrow, "Hopefuls" vs. "Peoria Giannts," and "Muzzy's Pets" vs. "Busy Berthas"; May 4, "Waumsbuggins" vs. "Alfalfas," and "We-Can't-Wins" vs. "Chip Hounds."

In the course of the series, the following regulations, which were adopted last year, should be borne in mind:

1. No team may have more than three men who have received Freshman numerals, and not more than one man who has received University or second team insignia, or a letter from another college.


2. Games will be played on Soldiers Field every afternoon, weather permitting, at 4 o'clock.

3. Each team should appoint a captain and a manager, the latter being responsible for the scores of all the games in which his team participates. All game scores should be placed in the box marked "Leiter Cup" just inside and to the right of the front entrance to the CRIMSON Building every night not later than 7 o'clock.
