


The first events in the interdormitory and handicap track meets were held on Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon. There was little of excitement in the handicap meet; while the interdormitory meet developed into a run-away for Gore, the score at present standing, Gore, 46 2-3, Smith, 27 1-3, Standish, 7. The Mansfield Cup for the 100-yard dash, offered this year for the first time, was won by W. Rollins '16.

The remaining events in both meets will be run off today according to the following schedule; 4 o'clock, 100-yard dash (interdormitory); 4.10 o'clock, mile run (interdormitory); 4.20 o'clock, mile run (handicap); J. Wells Cup; 4.30 o'clock, 220-yard dash (interdormitory); 4.40 o'clock, 220-yard dash (handicap), Dodge Cup; 4.50 o'clock, 440-yard dash (interdormitory); 5 o'clock, 440-yard dash (handicap), S. G. Wells Cup.

Interdormitory Meet.

The summary:

120-yard hurdles.--Won by R. Little (Gore); second, D. S. Laird (Smith); third, A. I. Smith (Gore). Time, 21 sec.


880-yard run.--Won by F. C. Fishback (Smith); second, C. S. Swan (Gore); third, J. Preston (Gore). Time, 2 min. 10 sec.

Two-mile run.--Won by H. T. Sears (Smith); second, C. S. Swan (Gore); third, R. T. Whitehouse (Gore). Time, 11 min. 16 4-5 sec.

220-yard hurdles.--Won by F. C. Fishback (Smith); second, W. B. Peale (Smith); third, R. Little (Gore. Time, 28 4-5 sec.

High-jump.--Won by D. S. Laird (Smith); second, A. R. Frey (Smith); third, tie between L. Barnes (Smith), B. Post (Smith), and A. I. Smith (Gore). Height, 5 ft. 3 in.

Broad-jump.--Won by R. Hoffman (Smith); second, C. W. Cook (Standish); third, F. W. Hobbs (Smith). Distance, 19 ft. 4 1-2 in.

Pole-vault.--Won by D. S. Laird (Smith); second, J. J. Albright (Gore); third, A. Smith (Gore); height, 9 ft. 6 in.

Shot-put.--Won by C. A. Clark (Gore); second, V. N. H. Bates (Standish); third, W. S. Levenson (Standish). Distance, 43 ft. 1 1-2 in.

Hammer-throw.--Won by F. W. Hobbs (Smith); second, L. Jackson (Gore); third, L. MacFarland (Smith). Distance, 129 ft. 8 in.

Handicap Meet.

The summary:

120-yard hurdles.--Won by H. J. Coolidge '16 (scratch); second, G. B. Woods '19 (scratch). Time, 16 1-5 sec.

880-yard run.--Won by A. Biddle '16 (scratch); second, R. J. H. Powel '18 (30 yds.); third, J. H. Townsend '17 (20 yds.). Time, 1 min. 59 sec.

Two-mile run.--Won by W. P. White- house '17 (30 yds.); second, A. R. Bancroft '17 (40 yds.); third, G. A. King '18 (scratch). Time, 10 min. 12 sec.

220-yard hurdles.--Won by F. S. Allen '16 (scratch); second, G. B. Woods '19 (scratch); third, A. E. Rowse '18. Time, 26 2-5 sec.

100-yard dash (Mansfield Cup).--Won by W. Rollins '16 (1 yd.); second, H. C. Flower '19 (scratch); third, W. Moore '18 (scratch). Time, 10 1-5 sec.

High-jump.--Won by G. G. Haydock '16 (6 in.); second, F. H. Copeland '17 (6 in.); third, tie between J. O. John-stone '16 (scratch) and G. E. Bullard '17 (10 in.). Height, 5 ft. 10 in.

Broad-jump.--Won by P. D. Jones '18 (3 ft.); second, R. O. West '19 (1 ft.); third, J. W. Cummings '19 (1 ft. 6 in.). Distance, 22 ft. 6 in.

Pole-vault.--Won by C. S. Babbitt '18 (scratch); second, W. E. Sullivan '18 (2 ft.); third, G. P. Gundry uC. (2 ft 6 in.). Distance, 11 ft. 6 in.

Shot-put.--Won by H. Minot '17 (6 in.); second, J. W. Cummings '19 (9 1-2 in.); third, E. R. Roberts '16 (3 in.). Distance, 41 ft. 3 in.

Hammer-throw.--Won by E. R. Roberts '16 (scratch); second, W. S. Blanchard '17 (10 ft.); third, W. B. Snow '18 (35 ft.). Distance, 127 ft. 6 in
