
Support Asked for 1917 Banquet

The Junior banquet which is to be held at the Harvard Union on Wednesday, May 17, at 7 P. M., is the one big function of the year which all 1917 has an opportunity to attend. It is the last class meeting this spring and should furnish an excellent chance for men to get together and support the class as it passes on to its Senior year.

Movies will furnish entertainment after the dinner, and a generous supply of beer, ginger-ale, and cigarettes will be on hand. A first-class orchestra has been secured to play through the evening. Comparatively few men have as yet purchased tickets. Nevertheless, provision has been made for a much larger number and it is hoped that Juniors will get tickets today from the committee, at the Union, or at Leavitt & Peirce's, and come in a body tomorrow night. 1917 DINNER COMMITTEE.
