
Most Colleges Favor Roosevelt

Straw ballots have been taken in various colleges following that held by the CRIMSON some weeks ago. Bowdoin and Princeton have voted on the hypothetical candidates for the presidency and Williams has held an undergraduate duplicate of the Republican National Convention which lasted for four hours and resulted in the serious and thoughtful selection of a Republican nominee.

The results of these three tests are valuable and interesting, and may be considered as fairly consistent. Roosevelt was favored in each, including, of course, that of the University, with the exception of Princeton, which supported its alumnus, Woodrow Wilson, though with Roosevelt a high second.

At Bowdoin 75 per cent. of the student body voted Republican and 55 per cent. of the faculty did likewise. Three hundred and nine ballots were cast. They were as follows: Roosevelt 144, Wilson and Hughes tied with 77, Root 11; Ford, Taft, and Bryan received no votes.

At Princeton, the situation was different, for the candidate who was an alumnus received the college vote. The support for Roosevelt, however, was strong. The figures: Wilson 396, Theodore Roosevelt 261, Hughes 121, Root 40, Benson 5, Taft 2, Ford 2, Harding 1, Weeks 1, Bryan 1.

The "National Republican" convention at Williams College had two ballots. The first ballot resulted as follows: Roosevelt 118, Hughes 73, Root 57. On the second ballot, with Root eliminated, his following went to Hughes almost en masse, an interesting fact shown by the figures: Hughes 118, Roosevelt 110.


The students of Radcliffe held a straw ballot last week. Wilson was the winning candidate, receiving 105 votes. Then followed: Roosevelt 64, Hughes 40, Root 7, Ford 3, Benson 2, and La Follette 1.
