
Freshman Ball Team Plays Exeter

The 1919 baseball team will meet Phillips-Exeter Academy, on Soldiers Field, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Exeter nine should prove a formidable opponent, considering the fact that they defeated the Princeton freshmen, last Saturday by the score of 10 to 2.

Last year, Exeter shut out the 1918 nine 3 to 0, weak hitting being responsible for this defeat. The stick-work of this year's Freshman nine has been improving steadily and rapidly, as is proved by the result of the recent victory over Milton. The Freshmen will line up as follows: McLeod, 2b.; Casey, c.f.; Bond, r.f.; Fuller, c.; Gross, l.f.; Sears, 1b.; Kerr, s.s.; Burrill, 3b.; Felton, p.
