Yard spaces for Class Day spreads have been assigned as follows: Wadsworth House, Wadsworth lawn; K G X Club, behind Holworthy; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, north of Sever; Alpha Phi Sigma, west of Fogg Art Museum; Kappa Sigma, behind Matthews; Pi Eta, Hemenway Gymnasium; Hollis, behind Hollis; Alpha Sigma Phi, east of Fogg Art Museum; Phi Beta Kappa, north of Stoughton; Phillips Brooks House, north of Holden Chapel; Phi Kappa Epsilon, behind Matthews; private spread, W. Campbell '16, behind Hollis; Stoughton, behind Stoughton.
The following rules apply to spreads in the Yard and must be followed: chairmen of spreads must furnish Yard tickets for caterers; spreads will be charged for canvas fencing at the rate of 10 cents a foot; policemen for the spread entrances will be furnished, if desired, by the committee at the rate of $1 per hour; in case of injury to the grass by the caterers, the members of the spread will be held responsible; in case of rain, those spreading must pay the cost of moving the benches; payment in advance for canvas and policemen will be required. 1916 CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.
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