Friday, May 19, has been chosen for the big annual Senior festivity, the picnic. Costumes will be placed on sale in Thayer Common Room next Wednesday and Thursday at $1.75 each. This price will include, not only the official Senior uniform, but the entire cost of the trip, such as transportation, lunch, band, and the light refreshments, which will be served both en route and at the picnic itself. The costume will consist of a miner's cap with 1916 on it, white overalls, bathing trunks, and the proverbial tin cup. A can of paint will also be provided so that men can mark themselves for purposes of identification.
After several weeks of painstaking planning, the committee has announced the details of the program for the day. Promptly at 6 o'clock in the morning a trumpeter will arouse the Seniors. At 6.30 the band will start the grand march around the Yard, led by the special prize 1916 goat. Half an hour later the entire class will board six special cars, bearing refreshments and the band. A steamer will meet the Seniors at the wharf and convey them to Misery Island, which has been specially chartered for the occasion. The committee has arranged for a particularly elaborate lunch, which will be served on the boat.
At the island there will be baseball games, a greased pig contest, a 100-pound porker having been donated for the occasion, and various other forms of amusements. The return trip will start at 4.30 and all men will be deposited in Cambridge by 6 o'clock.
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