Following the plan of last year, accommodations for residence for members of the summer school of 1916 has again been offered in the Freshman dormitories. Gore will be given over to the men and Standish to the women. The general dining room will be in Smith. The session this year will continue from July 10 to August 19.
Summer instruction has been offered at Harvard for forty-five years, a longer period than at any university in this country. It began in a summer course in botany, organized in 1871 by Professor Asa Gray, which was soon followed by courses in biology, chemistry, and geology. The gradual enlargement of these courses into the Summer School of Arts and Sciences was the work of Professor Shaler. The summer school was primarily established in order to provide University instruction for teachers, but has come also to be used as a means to finish college work in three years and to be of assistance to men entering the University in the fall in passing admission examinations.
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Third Year Dinner Committee Named