

Phillips Brooks House Annual Spring Collection Next Week.--All Contributions for Charity.

The annual spring collection of clothing, magazines, and text-books under the auspices of the Phillips Brooks House will be made on Wednesday and Thursday of next week, April 12 and 13. A list of men who will act as collectors in the various dormitories will be announced in the course of a few days. Men who have any articles they wish to give are requested to deliver them to the collectors in their dormitories, while those living in private houses who wish to contribute are requested to bring their offerings to the nearest dormitory. A wagon will make the rounds on Friday, April 14, to gather up all articles collected on the two preceding days.

Some of the clothing collected this spring will be sent to the war sufferers in Europe. The greater part, however, will be distributed among charitable institutions in Cambridge and Boston, while a small quantity will be sent to the South. The magazines will be distributed among hospitals and reading rooms of houses of charity. The following articles are especially needed: text-books of all kinds for the Phillips Brooks House loan library, and particularly those used in the larger courses, such as History 1, Government 1, and English 28; articles of clothing, such as sweaters, shirts, hats, gloves, underwear, neckwear, and shoes; and magazines and books.

G. C. Caner '17 and E. A. Douglas '17 have been appointed head collectors and will be in general charge of the work.
