

Thirty Nominated for Positions in Cabinet.--Polls will be Open from 8 Until 4 o'clock.

The election of officers and committeemen of the Union for next year will be held in the Union today. The polls will be open from 8 to 4 o'clock. All active and associate members, and all life members, are eligible to vote.

The nominations are as follows:

For president.--Major Henry Lee Higginson '55, of Boston.

For vice-president.--Harrison Gardner Reynolds '17, of Readville; James Clarke White, 2d, '17, of Boston.

For secretary.--David Mason Little, Jr., '18, of Salem; James Palache '18, of Farmington, Conn.


Governing board (six to be elected, two of whom must be graduates).--Elijah Adlow 1L., of Roxbury; Kent Bromley 1L. ('16), of New York, N. Y.; Edward Reese Roberts 1L. ('16), of Cape Girardeau, Mo.; Malcolm Justin Logan 1L., of South Boston; Graham Burt Blaine '17, of Taunton; Charles Allerton Coolidge, Jr., '17, of Boston; Eric Alexander Douglas '17, of Buffalo, N. Y.; Richard Harte '17, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Philip Samuel Foisie '18, of Pelham, N. H.; Charles Fairchild Fuller '19, of New York, N. Y.; Henry Munroe '19, of Tuxedo Park, N. Y., Augustus Thorndike, Jr., '19, of Boston.

Library committee (seven to be elected, at least three of whom shall be graduates). Professor George Henry Chase '96; Professor Charles Townsend Cope land; Dr. Gustavus Howard Maynadier '89; Professor William Allan Neilson '96; Frederick Schenck '09; Francis Higginson Cabot, Jr., 17, of New York, N. Y.; William Darrah Kelley, 3d, '17, of Chattanooga, Tenn.; John Daniel Parson '17, of Cambridge; William Rand, 3d, '17, of Rye, N. Y.; Frederick Louis Stagg '17, of Oyster Bay, N. Y.; Westmore Willcox, Jr., '17, of Norfolk, Va.; Powell Mason Cabot '18, of Brookline; Alfred Putnam '18, of Philadelphia, Pa.
