
Regimental Orders

1. The officers recently appointed are attached to companies, as follows: Company A, Lieutenant Claude A. Adler, Lieutenant Leeds A. Wheeler; Company B, Lieutenant David R. Hawkins, Lieutenant Charles A. Coolidge, Jr.; Company C, Lieutenant Stephen M. Foster, Lieutenant Albert W. Vinal; Company D, Lieutenant George C. Wilkins, Lieutenant Willard L. Smith; Company E, Lieutenant Manvel H. Davis, Lieutenant Fred C. Fishback; Company F, Lieutenant John S. Brumback, Lieutenant James A. Edgarton; Company G, Lieutenant J. Scranton Shaw, Lieutenant Robert L. Davison; Company H, Lieutenant Harcourt Amory, Jr., Lieutenant John L. Leighton.

General Orders,

No. 8.

1. Under the provisions of paragraph 9--"Regulations for the Government of the Harvard Regiment"--the following appointment of officers, Harvard Regiment, are announced.

To be lieutenants: Claude A. Adler uC., Harcourt Amory, Jr., '16, John S. Brumback 1L., Charles A. Coolidge, Jr., '17, Manvel H. Davis 1L., Robert L. Davison sC., James A. Edgarton 1L., Fred C, Fishback '18, Stephen M. Foster '16, David R. Hawkins 1L., John L. Leighton '18, J. Scranton Shaw 3L., Willard L. Smith uC., Albert W. Vinal '16, Leeds A. Wheelers '18, George C. Wilkins '18. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly.


2. Permanent assignments to companies will be announced later in General Orders. The above named officers will, for the time being, be attached to companies according to memorandum issued from these headquarters on this date. C. CORDIER,   Captain, U. S. Army,   Commanding.

Transfers and Assignments.

The following transfers and assignments are made:

1. Private John Cohen '17, from Company H to Company F.

2. Private R. K. Randall 2L., from Company C to Band.

3. Private H. H. Howard '17, assigned to Band, Harvard Regiment.

1. Hereafter, except in inclement weather, men will appear in the prescribed uniform, which consists of khaki breeches, olive drab shirt, canvas puttees (laced in front), high top shoes, and the campaign hat with crimson and white hat cord.

2. The regulation hat cord will be neatly sewed on close to the brim of the campaign hat, with the tassels to the front.

3. No neckties will be worn with the shirt.

4. Only the permanent officers and non-commissioned officers will wear the insignia of rank.

5. Men will wear sweaters or other apparel for warmth under the shirt and not over it.

6. Uniform will be worn at all formations under arms.   C. CORDIER,   Captain, U. S. Army,   Commanding.
