

Editors Conquered Candidates 10 to 0 in Cru-el Defeat.

As forecast exclusively in the columns of the CRIMSON yesterday, the CRIMSON ball team easily disposed of the candidates on Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon. The score of 5 to 4 might seem to indicate a close contest, but this was not really the case. The superb pitching of Richmond in the first inning made it certain that, with him in the box, the candidates would be unable to score; so he was relieved of his duties to give the opposing side a chance. For the same reason an editor dropped a fly every now and then. The result was a game close enough to be interesting.

The candidates, contrary to their usual custom, did not make themselves absolutely ridiculous; but they did not approach the form of their betters. It is a notable fact that the editors batted so well that not once was the opposing outfield able to get their hands on a fly ball.

The collective excellence of the editors was such that mention of individuals is almost insulting to those not mentioned. But no story of the game would be complete without notice of the reversible versatility of Bishop, the Kansan whirlwind, who filled both positions of pitcher and catcher with the utmost nonchalance. In the final inning Captain Ingram reached third on errors for which the candidates were awarded ten points credit, and was brought home with the winning run by Rich's strike-out.

The line-up: EDITORS.  CANDIDATES. Cover, s.s.  1b., Cook Richmond, p., c.  3b., Jackson Thomas, 3b.  2b., Fleming Bishop, c., p.  r.f., Garrison Ingram, r.f.  p., Rhinelander Guild, 1b.  c.f., Paine O'Neill, 2b.  s.s., Bridgman Rich, l.f.  c., Francis Fry, c.f.  l.f., Luke McLuke

The score by innings:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  R.  H.  E. Crimson,  1  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  3  5  26  0 Candidates,  2  0  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  4  0  26
