

Phillips Brooks House Spring Canvass of Books and Clothing Unusually Successful.

The spring clothing collection, carried on under the auspices of Phillips Brooks House, has broken all records, both in the amount of clothing and in the number of books and magazines collected. This year 942 pieces of clothing were donated, as against 751 for last fall and less than 600 for the previous spring Twelve hundred pounds of magazines were the result of the recent collection, as compared with 900 pounds gathered in the fall and 300 pounds last spring. The text-books also showed an enormous increase, no less than 798 volumes being given, as against 101 in the fall and 69 last spring.

The text-books will be added to the loan library in Phillips Brooks House and the magazines will be distributed among various charitable institutions. As in previous years, most of the clothing will be given to deserving charities in the vicinity of Cambridge and Boston, while some will go to the European war sufferers and a portion to institutions in the South.

Any collectors who still have any contributions on hand are requested either to bring them to Phillips Brooks House or to notify the Committee.
