
Regimental Orders

Company G will assemble for drill with arms in Persis Smith Hall at 2 o'clock, under the supervision of Lieutenant Edwards, U.S.A.

Company H will assemble for drill with arms in the Baseball Cage at 7.15 o'clock, under the supervision of the Regimental Commander.

Transfers and Assignments.

The following transfers and assignments are made: 1. Private G. A. McKinlock, Jr., '16, from Company D to Company B. 2. Private J. L. Miller '16, from Company C to Company D. 3. Private J. N. McClure '18, from Company F to Company G. 4. Private J. K. Vakkliotes '17, assigned to Band, Harvard Regiment. C. CORDIER,   Captain, U. S. Army,   Commanding.
