Tickets for Class Day may be procured by officers, graduates and undergraduates of the University, applications closing June 3. Seniors are given two special chances to get tickets early. The first application, open only to Seniors, will close on May 13, when the following maximum number of tickets may be procured at reduced prices: 2 Sanders Theatre at 75 cents each, 12 Stadium at 50 cents each, 10 Memorial Hall at 50 cents each, 10 Yard at 20 cents each, and 10 Senior Spread at $2.50 each. The second application, also open to Seniors only, will close on May 27. At this sale any number of tickets may be procured at the following prices: Sanders Theatre, $1 each; Stadium, 75 cents each; Memorial Hall, 50 cents each; Senior Spread, $2.50 each. These dates must be noted carefully, as positively no exception will be made. Application blanks will be placed at the Union, the H. A. A., Leavitt & Peirce's, and at the office of the Harvard Alumni Association, 50 State street, Boston.
The number of tickets to be sold to graduates and undergraduates will be limited to five of a kind. The latest date for receiving such applications will be 6 o'clock on June 3. The prices will be: Stadium, $1.50 each; Memorial, $1 each; Yard, 35 cents each. Seniors may also apply at this sale, but will receive no reduced rate. Every undergraduate may obtain a free Yard ticket and a free Stadium ticket at the Co-operative on or after June 6. These special Stadium tickets are not good unless the holder marches with his class. Each graduate will receive one free Yard and special Stadium ticket when his regular application is filled.
All Seniors on purchasing tickets will be required to sign a statement to the effect that all tickets bought by them will be only for their personal use and not for anyone else who is eligible to buy tickets. The committee reserves the right to refuse admission on tickets purchased by anyone who is known to have sold any tickets whatsoever.
No application will be received unless accompanied by a self-addressed envelope with 12 cents in stamps for postage and registry fee, and checks or cash for the amount of tickets applied for. Checks should be made payable to the 1916 Harvard Class Day Committee and sent to W. Rollins '16, Thayer 49.
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