

Squad Given Light Work Owing to Soggy Condition of the Field.

The first day of spring football practice, held yesterday afternoon in a cold, wet drizzle, was very unsatisfactory to those who are directing the brief two-weeks' work-out. They had hoped for a large enough squad of veterans and possibilities to warrant some early speculation on the probable strength of the 1916 eleven, but only 25 candidates reported. Among these were Captain H. H. Dadmun '17, C. A. Coolidge, Jr., '17 and T. C. Thacher '18. Field Coach L. H. Leary '05 was on hand to look over the material which he will have to handle, but Coach Haughton was unable to attend.

After a few muscle-limbering exercises Captain Dadmun led the squad on a run once around the Stadium and then back to the Locker Building. The soft and slippery condition of the field prevented a more strenuous work-out.

As it is at this time of year that the coaches try out many formations in preparation for the fall work, it is essential that more new players report today. Spring practice is particularly important for Freshmen and for men who have had no experience on the University first or second team squads. All requisite equipment is supplied at the field. Practice today will commence at 3.15 o'clock, but it will be to the advantage of players who have not reported before to be at Soldiers Field earlier, about 1.45 o'clock.
