The final announcement of the courses of instruction to be offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 1916-17 has recently been published, and may now be obtained at the Publication Office, University 2. Several important changes have been made since the provisional announcement was issued some weeks ago.
In Group I: English 6, English Composition, will be a new full course given by Mr. Pier. French 24 hf., Investigation of Special Topics in the French Drama of the Nineteenth Century, will be omitted. Italian 2, Italian Literature of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, will not be given next year. Spanish 5, Spanish Prose and Poetry of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries will be given.
In Group II: Physics 13 hf., X-Ray Phenomena, will be a new half-course given the second half-year by Dr. D. L. Webster. Astronomy 6, Practical Astronomy, will be given next year, but the following courses in Astronomy, will be omitted: 4a h.f., The Determination of Orbits; 4b hf., The Determination of Orbits; 7, Astrophysics; and 6, Celestial Mechanics. Zoology 2 hf., Genetics and Eugenics, will be known hereafter as Zoology 8 hf. Physiology 1, Elementary Anatomy and Physiology, will not be given. Palaentology 3 hf., Systematic Invertebrate Palaeontology, will be omitted.
In Group III: History 60 hf., Topics in the Constitutional History of the Argentine Republic, will be a new half-course given the first half-year. Professor Quesada. History 20n, American History, will be a new course in historical research under the direction of Professor Farrand, of Yale University. Government 16, Tendencies of American Legislation, will be omitted. The order of Economics 1a hf., Accounting, and Economics 1b hf., Statistics, has been inverted, as the course in statistics was given the first half-year heretofore. Economics 23, Economic History of Europe from the Thirteenth to the Early Nineteenth Century, will be omitted. Social Ethics 2 hf., Poor Relief, which may count in either Group III or IV, will be no longer a starred course. Social Ethics 15 hf., Recent Theories of Social Reform, will be a new half-course given the first half-year by Professor Foerster. Social Ethics 20c, Selected Problems in Public Health, will next year carry on researches in co-operation with the Cambridge Sanitary Commission. Anthropology 13 hf., Primitive Industries and Arts, will be given next year.
In Group IV: Philosophy 4a hf., Contemporary Ethical and Social Problems, will be a new half-course in the second half-year given by Professor Bertrand Russell, of Cambridge, England. Philosophy 9c hf., Social Psychology and Ethics, will not be given. Philosophy 8a hf., Logical Theory, will next year be open to undergraduates as well as to graduates. Philosophy 21 hf., Advanced Logic, with the Elements of Logical Symbolism, will be open only to graduates. Philosophy 23 hf., Modern Theories of Knowledge, will be omitted. Philosophy 26 hf., Philosophy of Aristotle, will be given. Psychology 7b hf., Genetic Psychology--Mental evolution in the race, phylogenesis, will be given. Two new courses in the department of psychology will be 12 hf., Psycho-physiology of Vision, and 24, Research in Psychophysiological Optics, both given by Dr. Troland. Social Ethics 15 hf., Recent Theories of Social Reform, will be a new half-course given the first half-year by Professor Foerster. Mathematics 21 hf., Interpolation and Approximation, will be a new half-course given the second half-year by Professor Bocher. Mathematics 6 hf., Sector Analysis, will be a new half-course given the second half-year by Dr. Kircher. Mathematics 16 hf. has been made into two half-courses, 16a hf., The Calculus of Variation, and 16b hf., Applications of the Calculus of Variations. Mathematics 36 hf., Finite Groups, will be a new half-course given the first half-year by Dr. Kircher, and Mathematics 37 hf., Functions of Infinitely Many Variables, will be a new half-course given the second half-year by Mr. W. LeR. Hart
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