

Leiter Cup and Interdormitory Games to Start After Vacation.

This year's Leiter Cup scrub baseball series will begin soon after vacation. Blue-books are now at Leavitt & Peirce's, where men should sign up at once. The specific arrangements will be made when everyone has signed up, which must be before vacation begins.

If 24 or more teams sign up, a system of four leagues will be formed, each league playing a round robin. The winners in each league will have a round robin among themselves. A manager, able to score, is to be signed up with each team. Every player and the managers of the winning organization will receive a cup. The general regulations are as follows:

1. No team may have more than three men who have received Freshman numerals, and not more than one man who has received University or second-team insignia, or a letter from another college.

2. Games will be played, weather permitting, on Soldiers Field every afternoon at 4 o'clock.

3. Teams enrolling in the blue-books should include at least twelve men, one of which should be designated as captain.


4. No one except those designated in the blue-book will be allowed to play for their respective teams.

5. Individual players should indicate the positions they desire to fill, and they will then be formed into teams by the management.

Rules for Interdormitory Series.

This year's Interdormitory Baseball League will operate as did last year's. The system of operation is as follows: There will be a committee of three directors (one from each dormitory), of the three managers of the respective dormitory teams, and of the manager, assistant manager, and second assistant manager of the University baseball team. The three managers will be chosen from the candidates who are now competing for the positions of manager and assistant manager of the Freshman baseball team. The best two men will be appointed manager and assistant manager of the Freshman team, and three other candidates considered most capable, will be chosen as managers of the respective dormitory teams.

This board of nine men will arrange a schedule of games to be played during the season, and will rule on any disputes that may arise. Each dormitory nine will elect its own captain. The winning team will be awarded the silver cup presented by Odin Roberts '86, to be held for one year, and each individual member of the nine will receive a cup or a medal.
