Both University and Freshman base-ball squads were able to practice outdoors yesterday on the Freshman diamond, the University diamond being still unfit for use. The University squad practiced first, forming two teams, which played a nine-inning practice game, resulting in a victory for Team A by a score of 3 to 0. Two of these tallies were scored by C. Wyche '18, and one by F. P. Coolidge '16. The Freshman squad had its usual batting and fielding practice, taking the field as soon as the University had finished.
The teams lined up as follows: Princeton Outdoors Since Monday. The Princeton varsity practiced outdoors for the first time last Monday. The regular diamond was too soft for use, but a temporary one was laid out in the outfield. Link, Chaplin, and Thompson appeared to be the most likely first-string men on the pitching staff, and Claire, Dowd, and Rutherford, promising substitutes. Douglas showed best behind the bat, while Purves, Gordon, and Currie proved such able seconds, that it is considered possible that Driggs may be used at short or in the outfield instead of at backstop. Coach Lauder of the Yale University squad announced last Wednesday, after an inspection of Yale Field, that the squad would probably be able to have outdoor practice within three or four days.
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