

Qulmby III and Richardson Took His Place in University B.

Coaches Herrick and Haines directed the practice of the University and Freshman crews yesterday afternoon. One shift of importance was made, W. Richardson '17 rowing 7 in University B in place of H. A. Qulmby '18, who will not row for a few days because of illness. J. H. Volkmann '16 was still kept at 4 in this same boat, for H. S. Middendorf '16 is not yet in fit condition to return to practice. With A. Potter '17 out with a strained ankle, this makes three men from the University crews on the sicklist.

The present order of the University crews is as follows:

University A.--Stroke, C. C. Lund '16; 7, H. B. Cabot, Jr. '17; 6, D. P. Morgan '16; 5, T. E. Stebbins '17; 4, K. B. G. Parson '16; 3, J. Talcott, Jr. '16; 2, F. W. Busk '16; bow, N. Brazer '18.

University B.--Stroke, J. C. White, 2nd '17; 7, W. Richardson '17; 6, K. P. Culbert '17; 5, J. W. Middendorf '16; 4, J. H. Volkmann '16; 3, E. W. Soucy '16; 2, M. Taylor '18; bow, R. F. Herrick, Jr. '16.
