At the annual meeting of the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America in New York Saturday afternoon, Harvard was awarded the 1916 intercollegiate track meet, to be held here in the Stadium, on May 26 and 27.
Leland Stanford University was admitted to membership in the association, but the application of the University of Pittsburg was postponed for a year at the suggestion of the executive committee. The amendments to the constitution submitted and recommended by the executive committee were adopted. These amendments have to do with the definition of an amateur, the acts regulating debarment, pardoning power and means of reinstatement to eligibility, and these amendments will take the place of Article XX of the present I. C. A. A. A. A. general laws.
The election of officers resulted as follows: D. Lake, Princeton, president; Roger Evans, Dartmouth, and G. H. Kimber, Syracuse, vice-presidents; G. G. Brown, New York University, secretary; C. M. Heydecker, Columbia, treasurer.
Executive Committee: F. P. Clement, Jr. '16, Harvard; A. H. Bunker, Yale; P. F. Sanborn, Cornell; F. E. Starrett, Brown; C. W. B. Townsend, Pennsylvania; and N. E. Pourpellotte, M. I. T.
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