

Prof. Baker to Speak at Open Meeting of Dramatic Club in Union.

As a first move in preparation for its annual spring production the Dramatic Club will hold an open meeting in the Territorial Room of the Union for all those interested on Wednesday at 5 o'clock. Professor G. P. Baker '87, director of the 47 Workshop and adviser of the Dramatic Club, will speak. It is probable that some professional actors, actresses, or stage managers from the Boston theatres will also attend and speak. Competitions for acting, business managership, publicity, stage and electrical departments will be outlined. Candidates will sign up after the meeting, if they desire to enter one of the competitions, and actual work will commence within a few days.

The short plays selected for production will probably be announced also, as the committee of three has nearly arrived at a decision. Twenty-eight plays were entered for judgment. Radcliffe graduates of the "47 Workshop" contributed 13 plays and graduates and undergraduates in the University each contributed six. A feature of the play competition this year is that the manuscripts were all submitted without names so that no personal knowledge of the author's previous work should influence the judges' decision.
