

Cosmopolitan Club to Meet at Phillips Brooks House Tonight.

The eighth annual "international night" of the Cosmopolitan Club will be held in Phillips Brooks House this evening at 8 o'clock. This night is an annual event at each of the 33 colleges in America where there are chapters of the Cosmopolitan Club. Extensive preparations have been made for the entertainment of men in the University who are natives of foreign lands. Among the entertainers are representatives of eight different lands,--Cuba, Porto Rico, the United States, Liberia, Scotland, Japan, India, and Greece.

The program has been arranged as follows: "A Day in Havana," Luis Alexander Baralt, Jr., 2G., of Havana, Cuba; "The Tell-Tale Heart" (Edgar Allan Poe), Manuel Matienzo 1L., of San Juan, Porto Rico; Song, "Vittoria mio con carissimi," V. B. Kellett '18, of Hopedale; "African Democracy," Plenyono Gbe Wolo '17, of Grandben, Liberia; "Scotch Poems," George Mair '16, of Jamaica Plain, formerly of Scotland; Japanese Legerdemain, Takaharu Takamatau, Gr. Dv., of Murotsu, Yamaguchiken, Japan; "Lyrics of Love and Life" (Rabindravath Tagore), Sowendra Chandra Deb Barman 1G., of Tipperah, India; Songs, "Gerodemos" (Old Demos--the Klepht), and "Thymoume Panta to Bradia" ("Ever I Remember the Evening"), Stephenos Phrangos, of Greece, accompanied by Miss Helene Aegyptiadon, of Greece.

Members of the club will attend the entertainment with as many guests as they wish to bring. President Pedio Albizu y Campos uC., will preside.
