

Permission Asked to Transfer Gym. Fund to Union for Pool.

A fairly exact estimate of the probable cost of the swimming pool at the Union shows that close to $25,000 will be needed to cover the entire project, including the construction of the three walls, all other construction, and the architect's plans.

It is hoped that the $10,000, contributed by the classes from 1913 to 1917, inclusive, for the construction of a new gymnasium may be transferred to the cause of the swimming pool. To this end, post cards have been sent to all contributors from the five classes mentioned above, asking the consent of the donors to the fund's being used toward the construction of the pool.

Provided the above $10,000 is used toward this end, $15,000 more will be needed.

Several possible ways of raising this sum are apparent. The suggestion that the classes of 1918 and 1919 co-operate in contributing their share appears to be a most reasonable one. In any event, the decision of the question as to how to raise the necessary sum will be in the hands of the trustees of the Union.
