The Child Labor Exhibit of the National Child Labor Committee of New York City will be placed on free public exhibition in the Living Room of the Union today, remaining on display to day and tomorrow. The exhibit consists of photographs, charts and products of the work of the 150,000 children employed in factories. Its purpose is to arouse public opinion to aid in the passage of the committee's bill to prevent the interstate commerce of child labor products. The bill is being held up in the Senate for lack of public pressure. While the exhibit is displayed in the Union, an attempt will be made to enroll new members of the committee.
Miss Josephine J. Eschenbrenner, membership secretary of the committee, is in charge of the exhibit, which was on view at Tufts College last week and at Amherst and Massachusetts Agricultural College the week before. At all three colleges a response satisfactory to the committee was received from the undergraduates. On the advisory committee for 1915 was President Eliot.
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