The University crews had a 12-mile row to mark the first Saturday practice of the year the day before yesterday. Both A and B rowed from the Farragut Boat Club, Lynn, to Ocean Pier at Revere Beach, a distance of six miles, and the water being very smooth, a great deal was accomplished. On the way back to the boat club the two crews rowed side by side. Coaches Herrick and Haines followed in the launch, and an excellent opportunity was afforded to compare the individual work of the men in the two shells. While there are still some ragged spots, both crews showed surprisingly good form for the length of time they have been on the water.
The ice in the Charles River seems at last to be about to break up, and the river should be open within a few days. Until that time the crews will continue to row at Lynn, since the accommodations have proved highly satisfactory and an excellent stretch is available for practice. There is, of course, the contingency of rough water at Lynn, but so far the difficulty has not been serious.
The present order of the University crews is as follows:
University A.--Stroke, C. C. Lund '16; 7, H. B. Cabot, Jr., '17; 6, D. P. Morgan '16; 5, T. E. Stebbins '17; 4, M. Taylor '18; 3, J. Talcott, Jr., '16; 2, K. B. G. Parson '16; bow, A. Potter '17; cox, H. L. F. Kreger '16.
University B.--Stroke, J. C. White, 2d, '17; 7, H. A. Quimby '18; 6, H. S. Middendorf '16; 5, J. W. Middendorf '16; 4, A. W. Pope '18; 3, E. W. Soucy '16; 2, F. W. Busk '16; bow, N. Brazer '18; cox, A. A. Cameron '17.
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