
Union Not Worth Compulsion.


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:--

The CRIMSON wishes to know the "sense" of the University on the question of compulsory membership in the Union. Was the thought father to the wish? Is it not plainly evident that the weight of student opinion is against compulsion? Naturally, if a vote were taken, most of those who are members will murmur indifferently "Yes," while those who are non-members will roar, as one man, "No!" Moreover, there are more non-members than members. Any "sober, thinking, mathematician" can work out a victory for the Non-Union party. Is the vote just or unjust, wise or unwise? Well--it is the voice of democracy--Enough! Is not the Union the touchstone of democracy? If so, to be consistent it must abide by the decision of the majority.

Compulsion in the Union, I believe, is only the younger brother of compulsory religion. Education should, especially in a higher institution, have as little as possible to do with compulsion. The Union is merely one of the side-shows of this educational institution. Must we be compelled to pay ten cents extra for the side-show, when the price of admission to the main tent has just been raised from $1.50 to $2? Much compulsion is bad for the pulse.

I don't care how we go about preserving the life of the Union, whether we put it under the official wing of the University, or whether we open a saloon in the living room. If the Union as a club must die, it must die--unfortunately. But, at all events, we should not make membership in a club or in a pseudo-educational institution, much less in a club combined with an educational institution, compulsory.

Such is not the spirit of the University. L. P. MANSFIELD '16.
