

Herrick Reported Yesterday for First Time.--Changes in 1919 Boats.

Some important changes marked the practice of the University and Freshman crews yesterday afternoon. R. F. Herrick, Jr. '16 reported for practice and was placed at bow on University B. In the first Freshman boat E. A. Hill and P. A. Freeman, Jr., were changed about, the former now rowing 4 and the latter 2. In the second Freshman boat, L. H. Emery moved from 6 to stroke and S. M. Rinchart, Jr., was installed at 6. Other changes were also made in the lower boats.

Coach Haines was in charge of yesterday's practice, coaching the University crew and the first two Freshman eights, while the assistants handled the others. The coaches have now started the men to running after practice, a quarter-mile sprint being taken along the river after the work-out on the machines.

The order of the crews is now as follows:

University A.--Stroke, C. C. Lund '16; 7, H. B. Cabot, Jr. '17; 6, D. P. Morgan '16; 5, T. E. Stebbins '17; 4, K. B. G. Parson '16; 3, J. Talcott, Jr. '16; 2, F. W. Busk '16; bow, N. Brazer '18.

University B.--Stroke, J. C. White, 2d '17; 7, H. A. Quimby '18; 6, H. S. Middendorf '16; 5, J. W. Middendorf '16; 4, K. P. Culbert '17; 3, E. W. Soucy '16; 2, M. Taylor '18; bow, R. F. Herrick, Jr. '16.


First Freshman.--Stroke, R. S. Emmet; 7, J. F. Linder, Jr.; 6, G. L. Batchelder, Jr.; 5, F. Parkman; 4, E. A. Hill; 3, K. R. Whitmarsh; 2, D. A. Freeman, Jr.; bow, G. D. Leighton.

Second Freshman.--Stroke, L. H. Emery; 7, R. B. Lane; 6, S. M. Rinchart, Jr.; 5, R. Cobb; 4, J. S. Coleman; 3, W. M. Aikin; 2, L. Nichols; bow, E. S. Brewer.
