At a meeting of the football "H" men held yesterday at the Varsity Club, Harrie Holland Dadmun '17, of Arlington, was elected captain of the 1916 team to fill the vacancy due to the resignation of J. A. Gilman '17. Dadmun prepared at Arlington High School, where he started his career as a football player. After high school he went to Tufts College for a year and played a strong game on the Tufts team.
After transferring to the University, he was ineligible for the team his first year, due to the eligibility rule which states that a man must be registered one year in the college before he is eligible for the University team. Last fall he played regular guard and was consistently effective, being at his best in the Princeton and Yale games. He is 21 years old, weighs 200 pounds, and is 0 feet tall.
The prospects of Captain Dadmun having a winning eleven next fall are particularly hard to determine at this time with the coaching situation in the unsettled situation that it is. There will be, however, a large number of "H" men as a nucleus, and many promising players from this year's second and Freshman teams.
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Judge F. P. Cabot '90 to Speak At Social Service Conference