The annual Northfield Student Conference this year opens on June 23 and closes July 2. It is open to students of all New England colleges, and each year attracts more than 800 men. An unusually notable list of speakers, including George Sherwood Eddy, C. R. Brown '77, R. E. Speer, and H. E. Fosdick, has been arranged for this year. J. R. Mott will preside.
The general plan of the day at Northfield offers excellent opportunities for personal friendship, healthful recreation, and for listening to men who have a strong influence on the religion of the present day. In the mornings and evenings of the week at Northfield, speeches are made by leaders in Christian thought and service, and Bible and mission study classes are held, closing with a general meeting addressed by one of the Conference speaekrs. Afternoons are given over to athletics of all sorts. Intercollegiate and undergraduate competitions are held in baseball, track, and tennis, while after dinner there is a general meeting.
At Northfield one meets other men from all the eastern universities and meets them in a different way than is possible on the athletic field. There he has an opportunity to talk over his choice of a career with men who have had experience in all fields, and who can tell him the actual things to be confronted in following a career at the present day.
The first Student Conference assembled more than twenty years ago at Mt. Hermon, and the next year removed to East Northfield, where it has remained ever since. More than twenty large Conferences, modelled on the same plan, have been started since its institution.
Further information concerning the Harvard contingent at the Conference this summer may be obtained from W. P. Whitehouse '17, Westmorly 123, chairman of the Northfield Conference Committee of the University.
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