
Cornell Athletes Good Students

Statistics recently taken at Cornell indicate that there is a fallacy in the theory that the average participant in two branches of sport is not good student. Records based on the work of the first term show that football men have never had such a high standing in the history of the university, for of the work taken by those members of the football squad who won their letters, 93 per cent. was passed, 5.3 per cent. was conditioned, and only 1.7 per cent. failed.

Of the studies taken by the cross country men, 84 per cent. was passed. Of the 11 football substitutes who won their "C 2nd," 86.5 per cent. of the work was passed, 9 per cent. conditioned, and only 4.5 per cent. not passed. Out of the 34 men included in the statistics presented, only one man was dropped.
