

Brief Class History, Special Articles and More Illustrations in 1919 Volume.

The 1919 Red Book Board has started out with every endeavor to surpass last year's Red Book. Competitions for the various departments began about the first of March and brought out a total of 121 men:--21 for the art department, 15 for the photograph department, 45 for the copy and registration department, and 40 for the business department. Only 102 responded to the call for the 1918 board a year ago.

The business department has shown unusual enterprise and has already signed up $1200 worth of advertisements. The other departments are aiding the business department by having their candidates get as many advertisements as possible. A candidate for the business end must have turned in at least $100 of advertising to qualify. Little has been done about getting subscriptions as yet, but the policy of last year's board of having every candidate, regardless of the department he is trying for, get five subscriptions outside of the class, will be adopted. The subscription price will be the same as last year: $1.50 to 1919 members and $2 to outsiders.

There will be individual pictures of each member of the class and appointments for sittings are being arranged now. Nearly 100 pictures have been taken so far. The art department is busy having headings, cartoons, and illustrations drawn.

Several new features are being planned. A general resume of the whole year will be given in two or three pages so that the important events may be learned at a glance. There will be fullpage drawings before the major and minor sports sections and the miscellaneous part which will depict phases peculiar to each group. Special articles on boxing, wrestling and the Regiment, illustrated with photographs, will be added.
