
Concerning Student Employment.


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:-

An unauthorized article in the CRIMSON of March 11th stated that the Students' Employment Office had at this moment many opportunities for men to do summer work, which could not be filled because not enough men had registered at the office. The facts of the case are quite contrary to the impression given by this notice. While the Students' Employment Office hopes to furnish as many men with summer work as usual, there has at the present time come to its notice very few openings. It is to be hoped that this condition of affairs will be remedied as it undoubtedly will be when the season is a bit more advanced. There are at present opportunities for men who wish to put in the summer months as canvassers for various firms, but this nearly completes the list of definite opportunities on hand. GORDON WARE '08,   Secretary, Student Employment.
