The University swimming team, weakened by the absence of Captain B. M. Fullerton '16, will meet the Amherst swimmers in the Boston Y. M. C. A. tank tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Captain Fullerton is still unable to compete. It is doubtful if he will even be able to enter in the meet with Yale Monday night which closes the University's swimming season.
Due to the weakness of the University team, the management has decided not to charge any admission to the meet. Holders of tickets may therefore have their money refunded at the gate of the Y. M. C. A. pool tomorrow evening.
The probable entries are as follows:
200-yard relay.--Acting-Captain H. Wentworth '17, J. A. Machado, Jr. '17, P. Davidson '16, S. J. Rogers '17.
50-yard dash.--P. Davidson '16, J. A. Machado, Jr. '17.
100-yard dash.--H. Wentworth '17, J. A. Machado, Jr. '17.
220-yard swim.--H. Wentworth '17, S. J. Rogers '17.
Plunge.--A. Dixon '16, R. M. Benjamin '17.
Dive.--W. L. Munro '16, M. Blanchard '18.
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