According to statistical blanks just filled out by Yale Seniors, the 325 men it the class have spent $1.087.564 for their education in the past four years. This is an increase of $8.000 over the total for last year's graduating class. The average expenditure a man during four years a Yale has been $4.073; but one man has spent $15.000 and another $800. One hundred and twenty seniors have earned their way through college either in whole or in part. Up to the present time these men have earned $306.979.
The most desirable undergraduate honors were voted to be: first, the Ph Beta Kappa key; second, the "Y"; third the "Daily News" charm; and fourth the Yale "Literary Magazine" triangle. The University Law School is the favorite professional school of those intending further study, with the Yale Law School second, 29 voice to 13.
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