The report of the Yale Bureau of Appointments on the work done from September 1 to December 31, 1915, shows a great increase in the number of positions secured and the total amount of earnings in comparison with last year's statement for the same period.
The total number of positions secured this year from September 1 to December 31 is 1,438, compared with 615 during the same period last year. The total number of men receiving work also increased from 359 to 427. One hundred and twelve applicants were unaided this year, however, sixty-nine more than in 1914. The total active registration was 539 for 1915, and 402 for 1914; the percent, unaided is thus 10.7 for the former, and 20.8 for the latter. Eight men on probation this year is a record, three less than in 1914. The total amount earned up to and through December 31 was $16,087.27, almost double the $8,526.70 earned last year.
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