

Phillips Brooks House Will Canvass for Second-Hand Volumes.

Every dormitory will be canvassed today in the semi-annual collection of old text-books for the benefit of the Phillips Brooks House loan library. Students are requested to look over their libraries and lay aside for the collection any books for which they will have no further need. It is desired especially to obtain books which are used in History 1, Economics A, Government 1, English A, and other large courses, though any books which would be of use to college men will be welcome. The library is entirely dependent on volunteer contributions.

The last collection was made in April, and the generous response at that time brought the total of books in the library to well over 3,000 volumes. These are used by an average of nearly 300 students each year, who pay 10 cents a year for the privilege. Five cents is remitted, however, when the book is returned. The library is located on the top floor of Phillips Brooks House, where the librarian keeps office hours from 1 to 2 o'clock on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

The collection today will be in charge of J. D. Parson '17, librarian of Phillips Books House.
