It is not the graduates alone who complain of the inadequacy of Commencement Day accommodations. The Seniors, for whom the day crowns four years of work, are, if anything, the greatest sufferers. It is high time something was done to make this important and impressive occasion popular with all Harvard people, as it was in an earlier day. The suggestion has been made that a large tent be erected in the quadrangle between Pierce and Langdell. Objections to this, however, are the expense and the fact that on a hot day the temperature under canvas would be scarcely bearable. Besides, unless the tent were enormous, the remedy to the present situation would be only one of degree. The Stadium offers a better solution. Its acoustic properties are not ideal, but speakers do succeed in making themselves heard in it; and all who desired could be accommodated. In case of rain, of course, it would probably be necessary to resort to Sanders Theatre again; but this would be of infrequent occurrence. A radical change certainly must be made unless Commencement Day for most graduates and Seniors is to be reduced to watching a parade and knowing that there is a Chief Marshal's spread somewhere in the vicinity.
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