

Brief Address by Bishop Williams and Musical Program by Choir.

The Right Reverend Charles David Williams, Bishop of Michigan, will conduct the vesper services in Appleton Chapel this afternoon at 4.45 o'clock. He will make a short address, and the University Choir, under the direction of Dr. A. T. Davison '06, will give a program of music. The service is open to the public as well as to all members of the University.

The musical program is as follows: Organ Prelude, Chorale in A minor,  Franck Anthems.-- Tu Pauperum Refugium;  Des Pres Crucifixus,  Lotti Adoramus Te (First Setting in D minor),  Palestrina Organ Postlude, Toccata,  Widor

On March 2, the Reverend George Angier Gordon, minister of the Old South Church, Boston, will conduct the vesper service; and on March 30, the Reverend Albert Parker Fitch '00, president of Andover Theological Seminary.
