The programs of the classes celebrating their tenth and twentieth anniversaries during Commencement week next June have just been announced. The class of '96 has arranged the following schedule:
Monday, June 19, 12 M.--Class meets at Hotel Somerset, Boston, for an informal luncheon. In the afternoon the class will attend a professional baseball game. Class dinner will be held at the Hotel Somerset, at 7.30 P. M.
Tuesday, June 20.--The class will leave early by special train for Buzzards Bay, where the day will be spent at the Beverly Yacht Club House. There will be water sports, bathing, sailing, athletic stunts, and an old-fashioned clam bake. Return to Boston by special train in evening.
Wednesday, June 21.--Interclass sports on Soldiers Field in the morning. Lunch-eon at the Stadium. Harvard-Yale baseball game in the afternoon. Dinner with class of 1901 at the Hotel Somerset at 7.30 P. M. Joint vaudeville show in the evening.
Thursday, June 22.--Commencement Day.
Further plans for Commencement Day other than the regular Commencement exercises have not yet been completed.
For the '06 decennial the program will be as follows:
June 19.--Dinner in the evening at Masconomo House, Manchester.
June 20.--Class Day exercises.
June 21.--Sports at Soldiers Field and lunch at Stadium previous to baseball game.
June 22.--Commencement.
June 23.--A trip to the boat race.
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