At the last meeting of the President and Fellows, leave of absence was granted to Professor Barrett Wendell '77 for half of the academic year 1916-1917. He will, however, give Comparative Literature 1 during the entire year.
Other announcements following the meeting include the gift of a bust of the late Professor Frederic Ward Putnam '62 to the Peabody Museum by Mr. J. B. Stetson '06.
The use of Sanders Theatre was granted to the choir of the Russian Cathedral of New York for the evening of February 11.
The resignation of Bernard Raymond as Assistant in Physiology was received and accepted.
The following appointments were made: Irving William Jacobs '09, Fellow in Pediatrics; Lewis Dayton Stilwell, A.M. '14, Assistant in History; and Harold J. Lasky, Instructor in History, Government, and Economics.
The following scholarships were awarded: Gordon David Houston '04 (1G.), of Washington, D. C., Daniel A. Buckley Scholarship; Robert Elman '19, of Syracuse, Harvard Club of Syracuse; Austin Rogers Frey '19, of Newark, N. J., Harvard Club of New Jersey; Mayo Adams Shattuck '19, of Seattle, Wash., Harvard Club of Seattle.
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