
Regimental Announcements

The Regimental Committee has made the following recommendations to the Regimental Commander in respect to excuses for absence from lectures, drills and non-commissioned officers' school:

"The following excuses shall be valid: 1. Men who finish their athletic work with less than half an hour to dress and report for roll call. Lists of these men will be furnished by the managers of the teams. 2. Conflicts with militia exercises. 3. Men who are signed off by the office and other men who are sick. 4. The CRIMSON assistant managing editor.

"The following excuses are not valid: 1. Social engagements of any kind. 2. Club meetings. 3. Rehearsals. 4. Business engagements. (This is not to apply to men who have regular work in earning their living.) 5. Absence from Cambridge. 6. College work--either at time of meeting or future.

"In all cases requests for excuse must be written. They must be in correct form, short, and explicitly worded. Doubtful excuses should be submitted in advance." C. C. LUND '16   Chairman Regimental Committee.
